Players are to meet their coaches/managers in front of the MLC, no more than 10 minutes prior to their scheduled picture time. The coach(es) will be taking the group of players inside when instructed to do so by a volunteer. NO PARENTS WILL BE PERMITTED IN THE BUILDING AT THIS TIME! The players will go directly upstairs, wait in line with their team, and proceed to take their individual photo. Once this is completed, a coach or volunteer will assist each player in exiting the building through the side stairwell, as all spectators are used to. Parents should be waiting outside of that door.
Each photo slot is 15 minutes. This process is very fast moving, as we all have seen in the past. With a slightly new protocol, we think it should move even faster.
Players should show up dressed, as you will not be allowed in the building prior to your allotted time. No helmets and no skates are required for photos. Don’t forget to bring your stick!!
Another thing to remember… MASKS!! The MLC is requiring masks now, so all players must have a mask on while walking through the facility.
All ordering will be done 100% online this year. As soon as the photography company has our link available, we will share it with each team. (This is another reminder to PLEASE have your team list sent in no later than tomorrow morning. I’ve attached the excel spreadsheet for you again.)
Now, if someone is unable to attend pictures…. Feel free to contact the photographer at, to schedule a time at their new Edmonton location. My contact has regretfully mentioned that they are extremely busy and a rescheduled time may not happen until after Christmas. Unfortunately, that means that the player will not be cropped into the original team photo. There is still an opportunity to crop them into your own team photo, if you so choose.