Coach applications are now being accepted for the 2024/25 season.
Apply HERE.
If you have any questions, please email the Coaches Director at
You can view the coaching requirements on Hockey Alberta's site.
U11 & up
To register for clinics and view your current credentials, you will need to complete a three step process.
1. Create or log into your HCR 3.0 account. Instructions HERE.
2. Once your new account has been created, you need to LINK IT so that your previous records transfer to your new account.
3. View your credentials and register for upcoming clinics on the Hockey Canada Registry.
All coaches must provide a Criminal Record (CR) Check every 3 years. This must be sent to the club Registrar prior to the start of the season.
How to request your CR check:
-The Morinville RCMP no longer accept CR checks via email.
-2 pieces of government issued identification is required
-Ensure a Volunteer letter accompanies your application.
You can still apply online and they will email you once ready for pickup (approx 1 week) Email: RCMP.KMORINVILLE.GRC@RCMP-GRC.GC.CA
The volunteer letter is available HERE to print off and present at pickup so that there is no charge.
This course expires every four years. If you are unsure when your course expires, please look up your certificate in your Hockey Locker.
Access the course HERE.