Returning SHC Player Registrations

Welcome back returning SHC players! 

  • Registration closes on June 30, 2024. Players registering after this date will be subject to a $200.00 late fee.
  • All players registered in Sturgeon Hockey Club must have a parent/guardian that has taken the Respect in Sport-Parent Program Course.
  • Please note that you can log into your online registration at anytime and print off a tax receipt.

STEP 1: Have you moved within the last year? 

If yes,  you will need to complete a new Parent Declaration from Hockey Alberta's website and provide a copy of proof of residency (current utility bill).

If no, continue with next step.

 STEP 2:

Important information for registering:

  • When in the portal:
    • check and confirm that all information is correct including your email address and contact information
    • guardian information is the information that will be used for contact information for the Association, Directors, Coaches and Team Staff.
    • do not list emergency contact information in the Guardian Information page. The guardian's information listed on the current player's registration is what is transferred to the website and Hockey Canada Registry for all communications with the Association, Hockey Canada and team for the player.
  • To register for the season and for a tryout at the same time, you will need to click all applicable options under the "Register - Division Selection" page for all the packages to open. 
  • Registration for a tryout can be done at a later date and you will NOT be charged a late fee. 

Click SHC RAMP Registration to register.

 If you have any questions or require assistance, please contact the registrar at

Parents and coaches/team officials are required to complete the Respect in Sport program. Certification in the Respect in Sport program is valid for up to four seasons and is associated with a May 1 expiry date.

To check if your Respect in Sport (Parent) is still valid, please click on this LINK and login. 


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