U18 (2007-2009)


Name Position Contact
Rae-Lyn Lefebvre U18 Director U18director@sturgeonhockeyclub.com


Sept. 8th

Good Evening Parents,
Thank you for getting your son to the tryouts the last few days. It was wonderful to see each of the boys on the ice enjoying a game they love so much. I cannot wait to see them Tuesday @ 8:45pm for their final tryout.
After discussion with the league, I wanted to send out a brief email to keep you informed on when the teams will be selected and released. Due to the Sting AA tryouts starting their first-round cuts around September 18th and final cuts around September 29th (they have a tournament Sept. 23-29th), teams will be delayed until then. IF (and there is a big IF) something happens sooner, we will communicate with you then. Until this time, please be patient and watch for emails from myself or from a coach around the end of the month. We understand this is not ideal, but until then all we can do is wait.
I look forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday for the final try-outs. 


Aug 25th - update

Hi all,
Thanks to all those who made it to the conditioning skate today. From what I heard it went well and I appreciate those who helped Neil on the ice (Thanks!).
Please note we have added a scrimmage AND updated times:
Sept. 6th @ 8:15pm
Sept 8th @ 1:00 PM New time!!!
Sept 10th @ 8:45 - Scrimmage - NEW
Sept 7th @ 9:15 am - Goalie Evaluation 
Please ensure that your player is at all their required skates. Since these are scrimmages only, we do need the goalies as well.
Thanks again






Players and Parents, 
I am happy to announce that try out times have been released! This is exciting news as we know many of these boys have jobs and are going to school, so we want to ensure that they can take the appropriate time off (if necessary) to give their best on the ice. BarDown will be returning to be our evaluators again this year and the Hockey club couldn't be more happy to have them leading our children on the ice.
Mustang Try Outs
Sept. 6th @ 8:15pm Scrimmage only
Sept 8th @ 7:00 pm Scrimmage only
  • There will be NO skills session this year, Scrimmage only!
Sept 7th @ 9:15 am - GOALIE Evaluation ONLY
Goalies will be required to attend all evaluations as we need goalies for our scrimmages.
Please ensure that all players are at the rink, registered with myself and dressed and ready 10 minutes before their allotted ice time. I will be at the desk assigning jerseys to each player before they go change. Please do not arrive more than 1 hour before the ice time given. 
**Sting players will only be at evaluations IF they have been released from those tryouts. At this time, please watch for further updates from the Sting Director.
Conditioning Skate
Also as a final reminder the conditioning skates are as follows:
Aug 25th @ 11:30 for Last names A-J
Aug 25th @ 12:45 for Last Names K-Z
These skates do not require Sting players as they have their own conditioning skates. They are for Mustang Players only.
I am looking forward to seeing everyone on the ice next week and again at try outs!!

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